My career in art has been identified with a group of artists known as the AU School who were connected to the Phillips Collection and came to prominence in the late1950s.

My work, which is figurative, depends on an interest in painterly surfaces, the response to direct perception and a preference for an intimate scale.


Lee Newman is a painter and printmaker from Frederick, Maryland. He received BFA and MFA degrees from American University before continuing his studies as a Fulbright Scholar in Vienna, Austria.  A 2016 recipient for etching of the Maryland State Art Council Award, Mr. Newman has  recently taught printmaking at William and Mary, McDaniel College and currently teaches at the Delaplaine Art Center in Frederick.

His prints and paintings are in a number of private and public collections across the country. These collections include the National Gallery of Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The California Palace of the Legion of Honor and The Library of Congress.





Contact the artist for available work.